Incoming students

Istrian University of Applied Sciences – Università Istriana di scienze applicate has a long tradition in accepting incoming students. International cooperation provides many benefits, such as knowledge and skills exchange, introduction to foreign markets, cultures, traditions, etc. Furthermore, international cooperation supports personal development on both business and private levels. This brings possibilities for departing students to study abroad, and in doing so, strengthen their labour market competitiveness.

We are pleased about your interest in a semester abroad at The Istrian University of Applied Sciences – Università Istriana di scienze applicate. Welcome to Pula, welcome to Istria.

For more information consult the student’s guide on the following link..


Mandatory documents:

It is mandatory that every exchange student has a signed and stamped Erasmus training agreement. You can request it at your university.

If you arrive from a non-EU country, you will need to apply for a visa at the Croatian embassy or consulate in your country.

If you arrive from the European Union, you should take your European Health Insurance Card with you, so you can be covered for any injury or sickness. For non-European students it is mandatory to have their own travel insurance.


If you are looking to be a part of an exchange programme, first thing you should do is to apply at your home university. Once they approve your request, you can contact our International Cooperation Team which will be happy to assist you with any query.

Once applied, we will help you with choosing the course modules. After choosing the modules we will sign a Erasmus+ Training Agreement with you and your university.

After completing all your documentation, we will help you find accommodation. There are two options: dormitory or private accommodation.

We will organise a welcome week in order to inform you about your stay and the city of Pula.  Find more info about Pula on the following link.

Your next step will be starting your semester abroad.