International cooperation

The Istrian University of Applied Sciences, through its international cooperation program, enables its students and employees to develop knowledge and skills and become acquainted with foreign markets, cultures and customs.

Explore, get to know and love other cultures and customs

International cooperation has many advantages: exchange of knowledge and skills, learning about foreign markets, cultures and customs, learning and improving other languages, new areas and ways of learning, etc. By studying abroad, students strengthen their competitiveness in the labor market.

Students have two options to go abroad to study:

The exchange of students in the framework of international cooperation enables studying at a foreign educational institution for one semester or the whole academic year.

The exchange of students within the international professional practice enables the acquisition of practical skills within European companies according to the students’ choice. Available professional practices can be found at

Erasmus Policy Statement 2021. – 2027.

Erasmus charter for higher education (ECHE)

Course Catalogue


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