Undergraduate professional study: Polytechnics
The undergraduate professional study of Polytechnics is aligned with the needs of the Croatian manufacturing industry and as such ensures the acquisition of classical basic knowledge and skills of engineers, as well as modern planning, management and optimization skills. The content of the study is focused on the fields of engineering, computer science, management and economics.
The program is based on similar study programs recognized in the European Union and the USA.
The modern approach to the manufacturing industry is a complex system of design, organization and management. The combination of different knowledge and skills of engineers gained through the completion of this program facilitates the detection of errors in all production processes, therefore, professional bachelors in the field of polytechnics participate in all stages of design, management and optimization of processes, technological cycles, systems and plants.
Professional bachelors in the field of polytechnics are not narrowly specialized, but possess the breadth of knowledge required to view a manufacturing or a service business system as a complex entity or process.
Advantages of the study program:
- individualized work in small groups enables students to easily acquire and apply knowledge through concrete examples from practice
- cooperation with the Research Centre for Metal Industry in Istrian County – METRIS enables the application of acquired knowledge and skills on state-of-the-art analytical equipment in modernly equipped chemical, mechanical, and biotechnical laboratories
- a modern approach to education
Curriculum Outcomes
- to design industrial manufacturing processes by applying knowledge and skills in mathematics, natural sciences, and informatics, and by respecting the engineering and economic principles.
- to design and maintain technical production systems for real economic, environmental, ethical, health, and safety conditions
- to analyze interdisciplinary industrial problems from a technical standpoint, enriched with economic, legal and IT perspectives
- to create engineering activities in production preparation, procurement and sales
- to make decisions based on clearly identified evidence and defined criteria
- to solve engineering problems using modern techniques, skills and engineering tools
- to design the work of multidisciplinary teams
- to create multidisciplinary industry ventures in a team
- to plan and conduct experiments and interpret experimental data and results
- to communicate professionally in local and foreign languages
- to assess the impact of manufacturing processes on environmental change
- to assess the impact of industrial ventures on global economic, legal, and general social phenomena
- to assess lifelong learning needs and to engage in lifelong learning
- to develop and critically evaluate a solution in the domain of marketing application in practice
- to develop and critically evaluate a solution in the domain of applying a business organization in practice
Duration: 3 years, (6 semesters)
Professional title: professional bachelor (baccalaureus) in the field of Polytechnics
Credits: 180 ECTS
Područja obrazovanja: strojarstvo, elektrotehnika, elektronika, informatika, menadžment, timski rad.
Course catalogue for the undergraduate professional study of “Polytechnics”
Subject name | ECTS |
1st semester |
Applied Mathematics | 5 |
Applied Physics | 5 |
Technical Mechanics I | 4 |
Methods and Techniques of Engineering Learning and Work | 5 |
English Language I | 3 |
Application of the Electronic Computers | 4 |
Professional Training I | 3 |
Physical Education I | 1 |
2nd semester |
Engineering Mathematics | 5 |
Modern Physics | 5 |
Technical Mechanics II | 4 |
Electrotechnics I | 5 |
Measurement Techniques | 4 |
English Language II | 3 |
Professional Training II | 3 |
Physical Education II | 1 |
3rd semester |
Electrotechnics II | 5 |
Machine Elements I | 4 |
Technology and Production Technique I | 4 |
Electronics I | 5 |
Material Technology I | 4 |
CAE/CAD/CAM Systems | 4 |
Professional Training III | 3 |
Physical Education III | 1 |
Subject name | ECTS |
4th semester |
Business Organization and Economics | 3 |
Machine Elements II | 4 |
Technology and Production Technique II | 4 |
Electronics II | 5 |
Material Technology II | 4 |
Production Engineering | 3 |
Management Accounting | 3 |
Professional Training IV | 3 |
Physical Education IV | 1 |
5th semester |
Constructions | 4 |
Quality Management | 4 |
Project Management | 5 |
Automatic Control Basic | 4 |
Professional Practice | 13 |
Elective courses |
Research Methodology | 4 |
6th semester |
Business and Production Processes | 5 |
Methology of Professional and Scientific Research | 4 |
Marketing | 3 |
Sustainable development | 4 |
Professional Practice | 7 |
Final thesis and Defense | 7 |